Alfred Blanks Sr. born about 1783 and was the son of John Blanks Sr. and is considered the Patriarch of the vast majority of the Blanks located in Bladen, Columbus, Brunswick and New Hanover Counties, North Carolina. Roughly 99 percent of the Blanks who live in this part of North Carolina can trace their direct lineage back to Alfred "Frederick" Blanks Sr. In 1795, Alfred first appeared in New Hanover County, North Carolina court minutes as an apprenticed. Alfred was the father of at least eleven known children and one unnamed daughter with at least three different wives based on records and DNA testing
"Below are known/unknown wives and children of Alfred Blanks Sr."
Alfred's 1st Unknown Wife and Children
1. John Blanks born about 1804, wife Melvina Hammond born about 1846.
2. Michael Blanks born about 1805 wives and/or partner (s).
(a) Rebecca(?) born about 1812
(b) Edith Freeman born about 1825
(c) Sarah "Sallie" (?) born about 1827
(d) Mary Catharine Lambert born about 1841
3. Elijah Blanks Sr. born about 1808, wife Elenorah Mitchell born about 1815.
4. James Blanks (1814–1901), wife Julia Simpson-Russ (1835-1904).
5. Mary Adeline Blanks born 1815, husband Isaiah Mitchell born about 1797.
6. Unknown Blanks (female) born about 1818, husband unknown Jacobs.
7. Alfred Blanks Jr. born about 1820, wife Sarah "Sallie" (?) born about 1820.
Alfred's 2nd Unknown Wife and Children
8. Winnifred "Winny" Blanks (1824–1913), husband James Graham Sr. (1814-1884).
9. Elizabeth Blanks (1825–1910), husband Mike Lacewell born about 1805.
Alfred's 3rd wife Mulsey Spendlove about 1812 and Children
10. Lucy Blanks born about 1831, husband Henry Graham Sr. born about 1830.
11. Sarah Harriett Blanks born about 1832, husband Moses Young born about 1816.
12. Esther Blanks born about 1835, husband James Bowen Sr. born about 1826.